Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I sure didn't sign up for this.....

So there are many things in this world that annoy me. Tons! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people go to the bathroom and they don't check the toilet to make sure everything went down as it should. At my school we have 2 bathrooms that always smell like death. Like seriously....i blame the spanish speaking students...i always see them eating chili and all this crazy ethnic shit....i can just imagine what their insides look like....gross! So anyways, today i really needed to go to the bathroom so i sneak away from class and i go inside one of the private bathrooms after one of the spanish students (again, evidence that one of them is the culprit). So i lock myself in the bathroom and get ready to pull my pants down to pee...and i see that the toilet is like totally clogged and is filled to the top with pee and toilet paper still spinning around. I think to myself "fuck no am i dealing with this!". So i leave that bathroom....and thank god no one sees me coming out if it, because then of course the next person that goes in there is gonna think it was me. I go into the other bathroom, and lock the door, start unzipping my pants....then i see a massive shit still in the toilet from whoever was before me. Ugh, i felt like i was on a game show and like had to choose door number 1, 2, or 3.....and i chose the shitty door...LITERALLY! Now all of a sudden I'm responsible for this shit thats not even mine! I try to flush...and the water starts to rise in the toilet and the massive brown turd gets closer.....of course it wouldn't just go down on the first try right? for anyone else it would, but for me?? not so much. I am sure there is a special place is hell reserved for me. So i now have to grab the plunger and start to plunge away at the toilet, as i did this i couldn't help but feel like those girls at the Hot Dog on a Stick stands...pumping away at Lemonade. I always thought those girls must have been humiliated in those ridiculous outfits. Finally it gives way, and it goes down. By this time I'm like doing the pee-pee dance soo hard. I piss, wash my hands, and exit the bathroom...feeling a bit like the hero of the day, Then when i open the door....a line of studens needing to use the bathroom had formed....as i exit and the next person goes in he yells "damn, you stunk this place up good"........a deed gone unrewarded.....

1 comment:

Renée said...

I can't believe you actually fixed the toilet. I would have just gone around the corner to BK or something. I wasn't sure where this post was going but I loved the comment at the end about how everyone thought you made the mess. Moral of the story: Never help anyone or anything. :)