Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Heart New York

I just returned last week from a trip to New York City, and i have to say that i really really love that place. It's in my ultimate plan to move there soon, and I needed that trip to really make me remember all the things i love about that city. I am lucky enough to have a great group of friends in NYC, which seems to be getting bigger by the minute. Over the last few years, more and more people seem to be making the move from LA to NYC. I have realized that Los Angeles will always be my home....but i need something more. I feel like my life has become sooo monotanous here. I need some sort of change. On my trip, i had so much fun getting lost in the city, and discovering new places, as well as revisiting old places I've already been to. I got to hang with my 2 favorite gays, which was probably one of the most important things to me on this trip. It is interesting to see the new life my bestfriend has built for himself. I am happy for him, it is a far cry from sharing a one bedroom apartment in Tranny Town and using coffee filters to wipe our ass. Above all else, this trip reminded me to appreciate all the people in my life. Whether under the same roof as me, or clear across the country....i truly value my friendships.....and if the old saying is true "You are who your friends are", then i guess I'm a pretty awesome person after all....

1 comment:

Renée said...

As soon as you're done with school, pick your ass up and move. Anywhere, even if it's not New York. It will be hard at first but it will be worth it. I miss LA so much sometimes and I am having a rough week in Santiago but I don't regret a single day. (Except for when I slept with that one stupid Chilean dude my first month here.) Aside from that I can assure you that you are capable of making the move and it will change your life for the better! Though I would miss not seeing you in LA.

It's weird. Right now I'm a little over Chile but I'm not ready to go back home. I went to Buenos Aires last week which is pretty much like the NYC of South America. (Ask Jen about how incredibly fucking hot the men are there, it's unbelievable.) I want to live there now.

Miss you and Carol mucho.